Athlete Impact Weekly Shout-Out: High Impact Athletes.

Athlete Impact Weekly Shout-Out: High Impact Athletes.
Stefanos Tsitsipas

Every week I'll highlight an organization that is somehow bringing impact to or through athletes.

High Impact Athletes mission is to create a groundswell of positive impact in the world, driven by the generosity and social influence of successful athletes.

High Impact Athletes connects athletes with the most cost-effective, evidence-based charities in the world in the sectors of Global Health & Poverty, Climate Change, and Animal Welfare, and we harness the power of the collective athlete voice to educate the world about the outsized benefits of giving effectively.

Their charity selections are based on recommendations made by the most rigorous and stringent charity research organisations in the world: GiveWell, The Life You Can Save, and Animal Charity Evaluators, as well as reports and grants from the Open Philanthropy Project, and Founder’s Pledge.

As of 1st March 2023 our team includes over 160 athletes across 38 sports and 30 countries!

Stefanos Tsitsipas (Tennis Player, Greece): “As a professional athlete I have a platform, and I'd like to use this platform to do as much good in the world as possible. High Impact Athletes makes it easy to have a huge amount of positive impact with your donations.”

Luuka Jones (Canoe Slalom, New Zealand): “The concept that a dollar can have different amounts of impact, depending on where and to whom it is donated, is something I hadn’t considered before. I am proud to align with HIA, who have done the ground work in identifying where our donations will have the highest impact in tackling serious global issues.”