Athlete Tech Investor: Robert Lewandowski.

Athlete Tech Investor: Robert Lewandowski.
Robert Lewandowski

Robert Lewandowski, the captain of the Polish national football team, makes a career not only in the best clubs – in 2022 he moved from Bayern Munich to FC Barcelona, ​​but also in business. He invests in various industries.

In the beginning of 2021, the footballer entered biotechnology – including in order to diversify the portfolio and out of interest in innovations – as a co-founder of the Bio-Lider company, offering biopreparations for farmers.

Bio-Lider produces biopreparations for plant protection, stimulate plant growth and activate the process of soil humification.

"I was happy to accept the offer to join the Bio-Lider. I try to support investment in innovative technological and business solutions, but the issue of ecology is equally important to me. The project, of which I have become a part, supports the knowledge and experience with technology, know-how and professional research facilities. I am convinced of the success of the brand because each of its pillars consists of top class experts and specialists.", said Robert Lewandowski about this venture.

Through his involvement in both football and business, Lewandowski continues to make a significant impact, showcasing his versatility and commitment to making a difference in various industries.