Athletes Go Green: Find Out Why Superstars Are Revolutionizing the Sustainability Game.

Athletes Go Green: Find Out Why Superstars Are Revolutionizing the Sustainability Game.
Steven Adams

Green tech refers to the application of innovative solutions and practices that aim to reduce the negative environmental impact of human activities while promoting sustainable development. Green tech encompasses a wide range of technologies, processes, and products that contribute to environmental conservation, resource efficiency, and the mitigation of climate change.

The main goals of green tech are to minimize the consumption of non-renewable resources, reduce pollution and greenhouse gas emissions, and support the transition to a low-carbon and more sustainable economy. It involves the development and adoption of technologies that are environmentally friendly, energy-efficient, and socially responsible.

Why are athletes investing in GreenTech?
1. Environmental consciousness: Many athletes are passionate about environmental conservation and sustainability. They recognize the urgent need to address climate change and protect the planet for future generations. By investing in green tech, athletes can contribute to these efforts and align their personal values with their financial decisions.

2. Social responsibility: Athletes often have a significant influence on society, and they understand the importance of using their platform for positive change. Investing in green tech allows them to promote sustainable practices, raise awareness about environmental issues, and inspire their fans and followers to take similar actions.

3. Brand image and endorsements: Investing in green tech can enhance an athlete's brand image and reputation. By aligning themselves with environmentally friendly initiatives, athletes can attract environmentally conscious sponsors and endorsements. This can also help differentiate them from their competitors and appeal to a wider audience.

4. Regulatory incentives:
Governments around the world are increasingly implementing policies and incentives to promote the adoption of green technologies. Athletes may invest in green tech to take advantage of these incentives, such as tax credits or subsidies, which can make the investment more economically viable.

Steven Adams, New Zealand professional basketball player for the Memphis Grizzlies, is the founder of TāneMahuta Capital, an investment office focused on sustainability and social impact startups. Some of his portfolio includes: Scylla Farming (spearheading regenerative practices); Halter (the future of farming); Allbirds (nature friendly shoes); Leaft Foods (sustainable plant protein); NewFish (reimagine blue ocean foods); and Ārepa (the brain drink for performance).

Steven illustrates how athletes across different sports are recognizing the potential of green tech and using their influence and financial resources to support and promote sustainable technologies and practices. Their investments not only contribute to the growth of the green tech sector but also inspire others to follow suit and make a positive impact on the environment.