How Olympians and Paralympians Are Making a Difference?

How Olympians and Paralympians Are Making a Difference?
Tasha Danvers

Let me introduce you to Ready, Set, Gold! It's a non-profit program aimed at promoting health and fitness among kids in Southern California schools.

The idea is pretty cool. They team up Olympians and Paralympians with schools in Southern California. The goal? To help students get ready for the California state fitness test called FitnessGram. This test is given to fifth, seventh, and ninth graders, and it's all about encouraging them to stay active and healthy throughout their lives.

Ready, Set, Gold! is a partnership between a few organizations: the Southern California Committee for the Olympic Games, The Foundation for Global Sports Development, and some public-school districts. They believe every student should have access to resources that promote physical health and help them do well in school.

So, every year, they bring in these awesome athletes like Tasha Danvers (track and field) and Ron Skarin (cyclist). These athletes become mentors for students. They work together with teachers to create five lessons. Each lesson has a fitness activity that fits with the California FitnessGram, which is a test the students have to take every year. But it's not just about exercise – they also teach students about having a positive mindset and reaching their academic and fitness goals.

The main focus is on kids in grades five through nine. These are important years for growing and learning, and Ready, Set, Gold! wants to make sure they learn healthy habits that last a lifetime. It's all about combining the inspiration of these athletes with practical lessons for a healthier and brighter future.