How Pro Athletes Are Scaling Startups to Championship Levels.

How Pro Athletes Are Scaling Startups to Championship Levels.
Jordan Spieth

The days of athletes merely lending their names to car dealerships and restaurant franchises are long gone. Nowadays, even the savviest business-minded players are recognizing the significance of equity over money. Athletes from various sports, including football and basketball, are increasingly choosing to invest or collaborate with startups, enabling them to become more actively involved.

This transition has turned out to be beneficial for all parties involved. This new generation of venture capitalists is building investment portfolios that will continue to generate returns long after their retirement. Additionally, it enables them to work with companies that align with their values. Startups, on the other hand, are finding significant value in having athletes on their board of directors, as advisors, or even co-founders, using the players' influence, brand authenticity, expertise, and connections.

Legitimacy: When an athlete backs a company as an investor, partner, or advisor, it sends a strong message to customers.

Influence: When you partner with an athlete, you get their recognizable name, brand, and audience distribution. An athlete's backing can lower the marketing costs for portfolio companies.

Expertise: Athletes are beginning to take more decision-making roles in the startups they choose to partner with and invest in. Oftentimes, athletes can bring the best team management principles to the table.

Network: Players can also be valuable assets to any startup stalled by gatekeepers. Athletes are powerful people that can open a lot of doors.

Athletes are using their brands, knowledge, capital, and networks to advise and invest in exciting new ventures. Startups and technology innovators should view athletes as valuable partners to seek out as they scale their company to a championship level.