Maximize Your Investment Potential: Why Co-Investing with a Partner is the Key to Success!

Maximize Your Investment Potential: Why Co-Investing with a Partner is the Key to Success!
Mitch Evans & António Félix da Costa

Maximize Your Investment Potential: Why Co-Investing with a Partner is the Key to Success!


1. Shared Financial Risk: When you co-invest with a partner, you share the financial risk of the investment. This means that if the investment doesn't work out as planned, you won't be alone in shouldering the losses.

2. Diversification: Co-investing with a partner can allow you to diversify your investment portfolio. By pooling your resources with another investor, you may be able to invest in more opportunities than you could on your own.

3. Access to More Capital: Co-investing with a partner can also give you access to more capital than you would have on your own. This can allow you to take advantage of larger investment opportunities.

4. Shared Expertise: A partner can bring their own set of skills, knowledge, and experience to the investment. This can complement your own expertise and increase the likelihood of success.

Highlight: Portuguese fund APEX Capital (co-founded by the Portuguese pilot António Félix da Costa) teams up with 35 Ventures (Kevin Durant's company) to invest in technology company ScorePlay.