Patrick Mahomes Introduces Throne SPORT COFFEE: A New Era of Healthy, Ready-to-Drink Coffee.

Patrick Mahomes Introduces Throne SPORT COFFEE: A New Era of Healthy, Ready-to-Drink Coffee.
Patrick Mahomes

Patrick Mahomes, as the lead investor, has launched Throne SPORT COFFEE, a healthier alternative in the ready-to-drink coffee market. Developed by beverage industry expert Michael Fedele, Throne SPORT COFFEE is now available nationwide.

Throne SPORT COFFEE features natural caffeine, flavors, and sweeteners, along with B vitamins, electrolytes, and BCAAs. This innovative iced coffee caters to the growing demand for functional, better-for-you beverages among active individuals. Unlike many other ready-to-drink coffees, which often contain artificial ingredients and provide only caffeine, Throne SPORT COFFEE offers additional health benefits.

"After 15 years in the beverage industry, I've observed that health-conscious, active adults and athletes have long relied on coffee for energy. However, most ready-to-drink coffees are high in calories, sugar, and artificial ingredients, offering no benefits beyond caffeine," said Michael Fedele, Founder and CEO of Throne SPORT COFFEE. "Partnering with Patrick Mahomes, we're set to revolutionize the market with a coffee that combines superior ingredients and functional benefits. Patrick's enthusiasm for our innovative formula and his relentless drive make him the perfect partner to launch Throne SPORT COFFEE."

Mahomes has been deeply involved in developing Throne SPORT COFFEE, ensuring it meets his high standards for quality and functionality. He plays a key role in marketing, sales, retailer meetings, and product innovation, in addition to being a significant investor.

"I’m thrilled to be part of Throne SPORT COFFEE, bringing a better iced coffee to consumers," said Mahomes. "We've crafted the perfect product for those always on the go, seeking a natural energy source with added benefits. Being involved from the beginning, I'm excited to help build this brand."

Mahomes' investment portfolio: