Slam Dunking in the Green: Athletes Invest in the Cannabis Industry.

Slam Dunking in the Green: Athletes Invest in the Cannabis Industry.
Al Harrington

Athletes are investing in the cannabis industry for a number of reasons:

1. Personal Interest: Many athletes have a personal interest in cannabis and its potential benefits, such as pain management, and are looking to invest in companies that align with their values and beliefs.

2. Business Opportunities: As more countries and US states legalize marijuana for medicinal and recreational use, the cannabis industry is growing rapidly, providing athletes with new business opportunities.

3. Diversifying their income: Many athletes have a limited earning potential after their career ends, Investing in the cannabis industry can provide them with a new source of income.

4. Endorsement opportunities: As the cannabis industry becomes more mainstream, there are more opportunities for athletes to endorse and promote cannabis-related products and services.

5. Philanthropy: Some athletes see investing in the cannabis industry as a way to give back to their communities by supporting organizations and businesses that promote social justice and equity in the cannabis industry.

6. Wellness and health: Many athletes are interested in the potential health benefits of cannabis, and see investing in the industry as a way to promote wellness and alternative therapies.

Which professional athletes are bringing their money to the industry?

David Beckham​, former football player,​ is backing a​ Cellular Goods, a ​company making synthetic cannabis to be used in skincare and athletic recovery products.

Joe Montana, former NFL player, invested in Caliva, a cannabis company that produces and sells marijuana products.

Al Harrington, former NBA player, started his own cannabis company, Viola Extracts, which produces CBD products.

Ricky Williams, former NFL player, who invested in a company that creates cannabis-infused products for pets.

Some are worried about the potential wrong message that an athlete investing in a cannabis company could send to children, so it is important to educate young people about the potential risks and appropriate uses. Athletes must navigate their investments responsibly as to not send the wrong message to younger fans.