The Rise of Athlete Data Monetization: How Sports Stars are Capitalizing on Their Performance.

The Rise of Athlete Data Monetization: How Sports Stars are Capitalizing on Their Performance.
Chris Paul

Athlete data refers to the various types of data that can be collected about an athlete's performance, health, and lifestyle.

This data includes:

  • Physical Performance Data: information about an athlete's physical abilities, such as speed, endurance, strength, and agility.
  • Health Data: data about an athlete's health, including biometric information, injury history, and medical treatments.
  • Lifestyle Data: information about an athlete's habits and behaviours outside of their sport, such as sleep patterns, nutrition, and mental health.
  • Game Performance Data: data about an athlete's performance in games, including statistics, analytics, and video footage.
  • Social Media Data: data about an athlete's online presence, including their social media following and engagement.

This data can be collected through various means, including wearable technology, sensors, and self-reported information, and can be used to improve an athlete's performance, track their progress, and make decisions about their future in their sport.

How can athletes monetize their data?

  1. Sponsorship Deals: Athletes can use their data to negotiate better sponsorship deals by demonstrating their market value and audience reach, e.g. Cristiano Ronaldo’s social media reach, CR7 & Nike.
  2. Contract Negotiations: Athletes can use their data to demonstrate their performance and commercial value to their existing, or potential new clubs, ultimately negotiating better terms, e.g. Kevin de Bruyne recent negotiation with Manchester City Football Club.
  3. Performance Analysis and Coaching: Athletes can share their data with private support professionals (coaches, trainers, nutritionists, sleep specialists, etc) to improve performance, ultimately magnifying other commercial opportunities, e.g. Erling Haarland Borussia Dortmund.
  4. Personalised Training Programs (Brand building & direct income): Athletes can use their data (preparation, match, recovery and performance routines) to develop personalised training programs, and sell access to these programs to aspiring athletes or mainstream fans, e.g. Kelley O’Hara’s Player Pack on BreakAway Data’s App.
  5. Data Partnerships: Athletes can sell their personal performance data via data partners to create digitised products and consumer engagement, e.g. Sportable’s media tools.

Highlight: The BreakAway Data app helps athletes create and sustain winning habits that will keep elevating them to the next level of their sport. Athletes investors: Chris Paul, Shane Battier (NBA player), and Eric Winston (NFL player). Ambassadors: Kelley O’Hara (Footballer) and Oliver Wilson (Golfer).