Birgit Skarstein: How Athletes Can Excel as Social Entrepreneurs.

Birgit Skarstein: How Athletes Can Excel as Social Entrepreneurs.
Birgit Skarstein

Athletes are often admired for their physical prowess and competitive spirit, but there are those like Birgit Skarstein who go beyond the field of play to effect change in society. As a Paralympic World Champion in rowing and a vocal advocate for diversity and inclusion, Skarstein's journey offers valuable insights for athletes aspiring to become social entrepreneurs.

Here are key learnings from her remarkable career:

1. Embrace Diverse Backgrounds: Skarstein's background in political science, combined with her athletic achievements, demonstrates the power of leveraging diverse skill sets. Athletes should recognize the value of their education and experiences outside of sports, using them to drive meaningful change in areas they are passionate about.

2. Seize Opportunities for Advocacy: Skarstein's involvement in governmental bodies like the Norwegian Biotechnology Advisory Board and her role in the City Council of Oslo exemplify the importance of using one's platform for advocacy. Athletes have unique opportunities to influence policy and effect change at local, national, and international levels.

3. Cultivate Partnerships: Skarstein's collaboration with organizations like the International Paralympic Committee and Global Shapers Oslo Hub highlights the significance of forming strategic partnerships. Athletes-turned-social entrepreneurs should seek alliances with like-minded individuals and organizations to amplify their impact and reach.

4. Utilize Media Platforms: Skarstein's work as a television host underscores the power of media platforms in raising awareness and driving conversation around important issues. Athletes should leverage their visibility to advocate for causes they believe in, whether through traditional media or social media channels.

5. Lead by Example: Skarstein's commitment to inclusion and diversity, both on and off the field, serves as a powerful example for athletes everywhere. By embodying the values they champion, athletes can inspire others to follow suit and become agents of positive change in their communities.

6. Focus on Long-Term Impact: Skarstein's co-founding of a foundation dedicated to inclusion and diversity reflects a commitment to creating lasting change. Athletes should prioritize initiatives that have a sustainable impact, recognizing that real change often requires long-term dedication and investment.

7. Balance Commitments: Despite her busy schedule as an athlete, advocate, and entrepreneur, Skarstein maintains a balance between her various roles. Athletes-turned-social entrepreneurs should prioritize self-care and time management to ensure they can effectively juggle their athletic pursuits with their social impact initiatives.

In conclusion, Birgit Skarstein's journey offers valuable lessons for athletes looking to make a difference beyond the realm of sports. By embracing diverse backgrounds, seizing advocacy opportunities, cultivating partnerships, utilizing media platforms, leading by example, focusing on long-term impact, and balancing commitments, athletes can excel as social entrepreneurs and drive positive change in society.